Virtual meeting of PTVs from the Philippine Duchesne Region

By the power of the SPIRIT

With gratitude we share that on Sunday, July 2, 2023, the virtual meeting of the PTVs of the Philippine Duchesne Region took place: Sandra; Ruth; Jaqui, Naty, Gloria, Evelyn and those we called, Karla and Manè. Preparation for the meeting began at the end of May and had as a background the letter sent by Barbara Dawson, our Superior General, for the Feast of the Sacred Heart.

Our motivations for getting together can be summarized as follows:

  • Gratitude for being able to meet, in order to share two questions:

    • What have I/we learned in the desert during these last 2-3 years? What transformation are we called to now?
    • How are we today an expression of God’s faithful love for those with whom we walk: our mission partners, our RSCJ sisters in our new provinces, with the women and men who care for us, with the most excluded and marginalized people?

  • To send congratulations to those who are leaving for Probation in this second semester: Naty Chamorro, Gloria Diaz and Evelyn Oluoha.
  • To listen to the experience of a newly professed of perpetual vows, Linda Guerrero, who was part of the group of PTVs of the Philippine Duchesne Region.

We were very grateful for the sharing of each one’s reflection, where the Lord keeps calling us and keeps revealing Himself to us at every stage of our lives.

It was a surprise for the girls and a possibility for Linda to share some of her experiences and the “newness and transformation” that the Lord invited her to live together with her probation companions. Thank you, Linda, for being there that day.

Another enlightening expression in Barbara’s letter is the idea that meeting each other makes sense when we accept the fact that we always walk with others and that we can never transform ourselves alone.

We ended our meeting with the congratulations and good wishes for the three future probanists. We gave them a send-off blessing and finally, we read the Prayer of the General Chapter 2024 together.

Section |International News

Province |Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States and Canada

Tags |Profesas de Votos Temporales|professed of temporary vows|Professes Temporaires|PTV|PVT