In Memoriam: Patricia García de Quevedo

On Wednesday, July 5, 2023, RSCJ from around the world gathered to remember and give thanks for the life of Patricia García de Quevedo, beloved former Councilor and Superior General, who passed away on June 19 at the age of 79.

The virtual session was prepared by the Province of Mexico and presided over by the Provincial, Clara Malo. After a brief introduction, the celebration began with the song “Father, I praise you” by Matilde Moreno rscj of Spain, followed by the gospel expressed in the song, read by Pat Egan. This text was always very meaningful in Paty’s life. At the end there was a brief moment of silence to let the message of this reading sink in. Later in the service, Rachel Guillen read from Matthew 11:25-30.

Then Helen McLaughlin, former Superior General who had Patricia on her team, and Barbara Dawson, current Superior General, shared a few words about Patricia’s life. Afterwards, Clara opened up the microphones so that other RSCJ could freely express their thoughts.

Helen McLaughlin: I met Paty for the first time at the Chapter of 1988, and the word that comes to mind when I think of her is ?freshness? in the most positive sense of the word?she was much appreciated by our Latin American sisters and they wrote of her gift for relationships. Working with her, I saw how this gift strengthened the bonds of our Cor Unum.

Barbara Dawson: I?ve known Paty since I did my international experience in Santa Cecilia in 1979, and we shared a very small space on the top floor for six months. She has been a friend and a companion and our relationship has grown more deep in the past six or seven years. A song speaks to me of our Paty. ?Gentle woman, quiet light, morning star, so strong and bright. Gentle sister, peaceful dove, teach us wisdom, teach us love.? Thank you for being with so many of us in so many places, in so many ways. Kind and gentle, strong and deep, ever faithful, a woman of discernment. I know you will continue to be with us and help us be true to the spirit.

Rachel Guillen: In Joigny I got to live with Paty and witness her life? Every morning she would go early to Sophie?s room with her notebook, then she would go to make coffee, to break bread, to see what the staff needed…. She accompanied all kinds of people in different languages. We could ask Paty for a last minute favor and she would do it with pleasure…. She would always say: “I can offer my help”. Paty always had a positive outlook, she would ask us why in French we say, “No, it?s not bad,” instead of “It?s fine”. She knew how to see the best in everyone and bring out the good in them. It is a pleasure to have shared life with Paty, we will miss her.

Mercedes García de la Rasilla (VEN): When she came to visit us with her team in Venezuela, she had to come to our community by herself. The greatest memory I have is that she came simply, as she was, asking questions, looking, welcoming, caring and respecting that we were living in a difficult time, when the people were up in arms because of social problems. She had to stay home alone while we organized a demonstration with the people. Paty cooked for us and when we arrived she gave us a very nice reflection.

Elisabeth Masala: I knew Paty as a General Councilor and then as Superior General. Paty was a kind, fair, peaceful and enduring woman. She was always ready to help where there were difficulties to bring peace.

Mary Hinde: Paty and I had a Skype every month, and the last Skype she told me that her cancer was advancing quickly and that she was going to Joigny [to work with the Spiritual Itinerary Committee]. I said I can?t believe you?re going and she replied, “Mary, as long as I have breath, as long as I have life, I will give it my all.” That was Paty, a woman of enormous discernment, of enormous generosity of life of the Society.

Linda Guerrero: Together with my Probationary companions we had the honor of meeting her in Rome, without a doubt, she was a very simple, profound, open and dedicated sister. Her testimony and commitment to the Society was expressed very clearly in all that was shared during the workshop, but especially in her gestures of welcome, listening and affection. It was an honor to have her in Probation and we commit ourselves to continue weaving the story, knowing that the Society is in our hands.

Mari Sol Soler: I want to emphasize in my memories her simplicity and wisdom… I remember when she was in Barcelona she asked me to find a house for the General Council so they could rest…. When they arrived she said: “I am going to cook for all of them”… It was impressive to see how they could relax, see something of Barcelona and when they went to the pool, Paty prepared some delicious Mexican meals for them. Love and service were always so present in her in such a simple way… The years of probation when I was in Rome, she would come with her guitar and her songs, very simply. Not only did she enter the circle with enormous ease, but she listened to each person completely… She was, let’s say, a wise and very simple saint, it was very easy to enter into a rapport with her and to welcome her, to welcome the Lord through her.

Claire Pratt: Those six years with Paty, where I was interacting with her every day, all I can say is her simplicity, her trust, her ability to connect with every personality, she never gave the impression that she was being overwhelmed. I was always in admiration of that?[afterwards, when the service of Superior General passed from Patricia to Clare], she left on my desk this little stone. On one side, she wrote, ?Welcome.? On the other side, it says, ?New mission, new life, 2000-2008.? I keep it with me always, it?s so symbolic?it said everything.

Pat Egan: Paty always kept her eyes fixed on her God and transmitted it to others through her compassion and love, with great simplicity and sensitivity.

Ji Young Bae: I met her on Probation last year. She came to Rome for us and shared the history of the Society. She was warm and sincere, I really liked her. She transmitted the history from her heart to our hearts. It was such a blessing to see her. I will remember her with all my heart.

Next, Clara asked each person to write down one word that, in their opinion, would be Paty’s legacy for the Society, what we would like to ask Patricia for on behalf of the Society at this time. We have synthesized these responses in this word cloud:

The celebration ended with a video presenting photographs of different stages of her life, accompanied by a song that talks about the beatitudes and which expresses what Paty’s life was.

It was a beautiful ceremony in which we could give thanks for Patricia’s life, which was given with love and passion to the Society, with her eyes always fixed on her God, rooted in the spirituality of the Heart of Jesus and very close friend of Madeleine Sophie.

Thank you, dear Paty, through your service and your gift for relationships
you touched the lives of so many people!


On the right you will find a photo gallery. If you have any other pictures of Paty, please send them to us at

Here you will find the video of the Celebration of the life of Patricia García de Quevedo with the song “Felices” by Pablo Coloma.

Here you will find the video of the prayer with the song “Padre yo te alabo” by Matilde María Moreno RSCJ from Spain.




Section |International News

Province |Mexico

Tags |in memoriam|Supèrieure Gènèrale|Superior General|Superiora General