More photos: Renewal Program in Rome


After an 8-day retreat with Marisol Soler rscj (ESP) 
and the evaluation of the modules,
the Renewal Program in Rome 
closed on the 11th of August 2019.
Here are a few more photos…..
A day at the Mother House.

After the unit of Paloma Fernández de la Hoz (CEU)
on “World, Mission, and Laudato Si’.
Members of the International Education Commission are likewise in this photo.

Mariola López (ESP) shared not only the scriptural bases of our spirituality,
but also integrative body movements and rituals that deepened,
broadened, and heightened our sensitivity to the Spirit.
Enjoying meals and visits from RSCJ in Rome.
Receiving our copies of Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed Broken World 
from Anne Corry rscj (International JPIC Coordinator).

During the visit to the Jesuit refugee center.


In Assisi….  opening new doors….  sharing….  deepening ….  integrating….


The Rome Renewal Program participants.

We pray for each and all of them as they return to their respective provinces.

Province |Argentina/Uruguay|Chile|Colombia|Democratic Republic of Congo/Chad|India|Korea/Chinese|Peru|Philippines|Spain|Uganda/Kenya|United States and Canada