In the heart of the green valleys of western Kenya, the RSCJ of the community of Chekalini dedicate each day of their week to the care of the sick and the support of those in need. It was in the health centre they run that, for two months, I, like them, put myself at the service of others. Welcoming patients, helping with mother-child consultations, facilitating activities and exchange sessions with HIV-positive children… The ways of serving take different forms. Even if you are not specialized in the medical field, you always have something to contribute, to share, and above all to learn from those you meet.
Also, beyond the missions entrusted to me, it is the warmth of the welcome, the kindness, the thirst to know the other that has touched me among the people with whom I have worked or with whom I have crossed paths.
Going far from my familiar environment to take the time to live the present moment and to pray has allowed me to rediscover the happiness of simplicity and has made me want God again.
I was filled with the very communicative joy of the Kenyans and the smiles of the handicapped children whose schooling is also provided by the RSCJ. I came back with the ardent desire to be as generous and humble as the Sisters in Nairobi and Chekalini who welcomed me and all those I met during my journey.
Section |RSCJ International Volunteers
Province |Belgium/France/Netherlands|Uganda/Kenya