Archivist General Margaret Phelan RSCJ shares that Chantal Paisant, who has written a number of times on the history of the Society of the Sacred Heart, has a new book:
De l’exil aux tranchées 1901 / 1914-1918 : Le témoignage des sœurs
Chantal has been editor-in-chief of a series of volumes on the history of religious life during the time of the enactment of the secularist laws on education in France at the beginning of the 20th century. In this new book, she speaks of the expansion of the Society of the Sacred Heart into areas it had not been in before: Malta, Egypt and Brazil (leaving out Tokyo and Bogota, which were covered by another author Marie-France Carreel RSCJ in an earlier book of the series). On page 6, there is a most interesting photograph on the departure of the RSCJ from Laval.

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