Seventeen RSCJ from 11 countries and
three RSCJ-members of the Ongoing Formation Commission
are now in Rome for a renewal program
that will run from 2nd July to 11th August 2019.
Each week we will post some photos of their shared experience.
Each one brings the richness of life and experience in the mission.
They come together now, with the expressed willingness to go through a process
of growth, deepening, and integration — individually and as a group.
Prayer, sharing, and different activities, enable them to have a glimpse
of the realities we live, and how we continue to help create the future.
Conferences and workshops facilitated by RSCJ resource persons
invite them to gain insight into their experiences and to perceive new calls.
They are one of the first groups to come together to receive and reflect on
“Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World.”
They also have the opportunity to visit places in Rome,
including the Villa Lante and the General Archives.
We hold our Sisters in prayer. General Chapter 2016 calls us:
“to create silence…. to deepen our interior life, our capacity for contemplation and for listening to the heartbeat of God in ourselves and in our world; to discern in silence and welcome the action of the Spirit that transforms us, energizes us, and calls us to live our prophetic and educational mission.”
May each and all of them receive this gift during these weeks of renewal.
From a report sent by Lydia Collado rscj (PHI)
Province |Argentina/Uruguay|Chile|Colombia|Democratic Republic of Congo/Chad|India|Korea/Chinese|Peru|Philippines|Spain|Uganda/Kenya|United States and Canada