Images from the Provincial Chapters

Through the provincial chapters that took place from July 2015 to January 2016, Religious of the Sacred Heart around the world entered into the process of preparation for the General Chapter, which is the “significant moment of discerning the ways God is calling us so that we may live our mission for the emerging future” (Letter from the General Council, 30 March 2016).

The General Council thanks all of us for the work that has been done by the provincial chapters.  The fruits of these provincial chapters express energy, hope, and commitment.

We are now invited to “support the Chapter process through prayer” and to “familiarize ourselves with the calls from the different provinces across the Society, to reflect on what has emerged from the Provincial Chapters, and to share with others [our] thoughts, discoveries and questions.”

What follows is a slide presentation using some images from the different Provincial Chapters.  May these images give us a glimpse of each province, and help us as we pray for the Chapter and reflect on the Calls.

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Section |General Chapter 2016