Mater Admirabilis and the Soft Light of the Soul

  • Painting of flowers: Donna Dolan, RSCJ, USC Province

Donna Dolan RSCJ and Kimberly M. King RSCJ of USC Province bring together painting and prayer to honor Mater Admirabilis in their work, Soft Light of the Soul.

Soft Light of the Soul

Like the amaryllis, you bear light within
that blooms, that trumpets, so that
we may see and know within ourselves
the invisible Presence,
the invisible Action,
the invisible Love.
May our own souls flower
so that others may come to know
this radiance of beauty;
may come to know you,
Mater Admirabilis.

Painting: Donna Dolan, RSCJ, USC Province
Words: Kimberly M. King, RSCJ, USC Province