NY United Nations Study Tour

Sapporo Sacred Heart students with RSCJ at the UN court yard

In 2014, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan accredited Sapporo Sacred Heart as one of 56 Super Global High (SGH) schools in Japan.

As a part of the SGH program, ten students are chosen each year to participate in a study tour to New York. Part of the tour takes them to the United Nations where they spend time learning about the United Nations and the Mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart as a UN-NGO.

The 2017 study tour was organized by Sisters Yasuko Taguchi (JPN), Sapporo High School Chaplain, Gwen Hoeffel (USC), who spent many years in Japan and is a fluent speaker, and Cecile Meijer (USC), the Society’s former UN-NGO Representative. 

In February 2017, the theme was refugees. As you will read in their report, the study tour was educational at every level. 

Click here to read the students’ report.
Sheila Smith rscj
UN-NGO Representative


Section |International News|Sacred Heart at the UN

Province |Japan

JPIC |Transforming Relationships