Online Advent Retreat for Young Adults – December 18-19, 2021

The Religious of the Sacred Heart and Sacred Heart Global Youth invite you to the Advent Retreat on December 18-19, 2021

This retreat is a preparation for the birth of Jesus. We will accompany Mary and Joseph who left their land, they set out to find a safe place for the birth of their son. Just as they did, today many people leave their lands to seek a safe place (a better life, a life without violence, a life with food, etc.).

Mary and Joseph knocked on many doors to be received. That is the theme of our retreat. Open the doors of our interior and exterior houses to receive the stranger, to receive Jesus who is at our door.

We invite young adults over 17 years old. It will be held live but online, where you will be able to meet other young people from different countries, cultures, and languages. 

What days?

Saturday December 18th and Sunday December 19th, 2021 


9:00 am to 12:00 pm EST (New York) Check your local zone.

Does it cost anything?

The program is totally free of charge. All you need is your willingness to share and pray with other young people from around the world.

If I want to participate, how do I do it?

Register by December 12 at this link:



Retiro de Adviento2021

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