On September 8, 2016, the General Council welcomed
twelve RSCJ to Rome
and formally opened their time of probation,
"a time during which they will live together
as an international community,
praying, reflecting on, sharing and deepening
their experience of God and of religious life in the Society."
To guide this group in these months, Sofía Baranda rscj and Dorota Stokłosa rscj (the probation team) have chosen this theme and image from a 17th century Russian icon of Christ, Wisdom and Redemption.

In her opening conference addressed to the probanists, Superior General Kathleen Conan rscj shared reflections on this theme:
Come … first of all to Jesus, hearing and integrating more deeply Jesus' desire for you to come to know him more personally and to deepen your relationship with him. Come… not alone, but with these your sisters from around the world with whom you build an international community.
Learn from me … these months are a privileged time to learn … and the most important learnings will be those that become part of your living — Jesus, as you notice in the image, is pointing to his interior self, a space of integration.
Rest … rest in God, abide in Jesus in the spirit of John 15; cultivate a life of prayer in which silence enables us to listen, to hear, to discern the desires of God's heart. May your resting in God strengthen you in the love, passion, and fidelity of Jesus' heart.
Love through me … keeping our eyes and hearts focused on Jesus, noticing how he loves, letting his love shape our attitudes, entering into his way of loving… all these are ways of coming to love through him. Probation is a time for your capacity for love to deepen and expand.
Sister Conan likewise drew attention to our being in "a new time, as a Society, as we begin to live the calls of Chapter 2016…." :
During this coming year, throughout the Society, we will be designing how we want to live into and respond to the parables, the images, and the calls of the Chapter over the next eight years. Each of the calls will touch your experience as probanists: to reach new frontiers; to live more humanly; to create silence; to be and act as one Body. You will have the opportunity to explore how you want to enflesh these calls.
With the General Council, who each blessed this probation group and shared their desire for them, and with all our Sisters throughout the Society, we pray for these twelve RSCJ who begin their journey on this feast day of Mary:
"May Mary bless and guide you with her own wisdom and experience
as you come, learn from, rest in, and love through Jesus."
The Probation Community with the General Council
Back (from left to right): Soco Rubio (GC), Sofía Baranda (Probation Team), Lelia Montes (PER),
Jacqueline Zingi Bongisa (RDC), Maria Cimperman (USC), Iwona Baryś (POL), Son Young Hyun (KOC),
Dorota Stokłosa (Probation Team), Yulitza Bermúdez Rojas (VEN), Hiroko Okui (GC), Cath Lloyd (GC)
Front (from left to right): Kathy Conan (Superior General), Clarisse Sumbu Makengo (RDC),
Dibya Gloria Kerketta (IND), Josephine Pereira (IND), María Zhang (KOC), Joan Mmaitsi Isíchí (UGK),
Ruth Lutangu Kitu (RDC), Kim Sook Hee (GC)
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