Today, the 6th of September 2018, eleven RSCJ
were welcomed by Superior General Barbara Dawson
to probation at the Villa Lante in Rome.
“I welcome you in the name of all the Religious of the Sacred Heart around the world and our global Sacred Heart family who hold you in prayer and hope especially during these five months as you prepare for your public profession of your “forever” commitment to Jesus Christ.”
Here are a few photos taken during the event.

Opening Conference by Superior General Barbara Dawson and the Central Team

Mass at the Villa Lante Chapel

Mass and then procession to the Probation Chapel

Symbols of welcome: the candle with the Duchesne icon, shells with each one’s name

Welcome meal at the Villa Lante dining hall

Together we pray for the Family of the Sacred Heart all over the world,
and especially for the RSCJ in this probation group as they walk the journey with Philippine.

Back row (standing) : Daphne Sequeira (Central Team), Lidia Gołębiewicz (POL), Patricia Hevia (ESP), Rose Nyawira Gichangi (UGK),
Barbara Dawson (Superior General), Isabelle Lagneau (Central Team), Marie-Jeanne Elonga (Central Team),
Monika Fernandes (IND), Mónica Esquivel (Central Team), Yenni Candia (ARU), Erika Tornya (CEU)
First Row (kneeling) : Dorota Stokłosa (Probation Team), Therese Zhang (KOC), Neelam Hemrom (India),
Luz Zoila Paredes (PER), Maria Gorreth Nabulya (UGK), Kim Ji Sun (KOC), Sofía Baranda (Probation Team)
** Photos by Yuka Arita rscj (Mother House)
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