Prayer for Climate Justice

Photo by Margaret Phelan rscj

The Climate Change Summit 
will be convened in Paris 
on November 30 to December 11, 2015.
The JPIC International Coordination Committee 
invites the 
Family of the Sacred Heart
to come together
in a circle of prayer and awareness
before and during this summit.
We share this Prayer for COP21 from the website of the Citizens for Public Justice (Canada).
Prayers of Intercession
Composed by Sr. Marlene Kelly GSIC

Introductory Prayer

Let us pray:

Gracious God, Creator of All, we raise our hearts in grateful praise for all the beauty that surrounds us.  May we learn to respect all as a sacred gift and do what we can to repair the damage we have caused through our consumerism, greed, and carelessness.  Grant us an ecological conversion so that we can leave our next generation with a future full of hope where there is enough for all.  We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Responsive Prayers

We pray that the December UN Climate Change Conference in Paris will be a real turning point for a climate change poliy and that all leaders will acknowledge that our present treatment of earth, our home, is abusive.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

We pray that our leaders will have the courage to take immediate action on the issue of climate change for the sake of all life.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

We pray in gratitude for the gift of God's creation and ask that we may learn to walk softly on this Earth.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

We pray that all will have an attitude of wonder and awe as we learn the history of our Universe and see the mystery and beauty of creation.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

We pray for all those who are victims of climate change and we ask that we who are responsible for this suffering may make choices which are life-giving for all.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

We pray in gratitude for all those who bring awareness of the suffering planet, acknowledge that all creation is sacred, and work to bring about a change in our attitude towards Earth, our common Home.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

We pray that all faith communities will have a prophetic voice, raise the moral issue of climate change, and inspire each of us to reverence and care for all of creation.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

We pray for all creatures with whom we share the Earth that they will continue to be a presence among us.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

We pray that we may bring to an end our dependence on gas and oil and transition to a green economy.

Creating God, help us change our ways.

Closing Prayer

We pray together:

God of All Life, we give thanks for Earth, our common home, and ask forgiveness for all the unreasonable demands we have made on it.  As our Earth, its many peoples, its oceans, wild life and ecosystems are struggling to survive.  Help us to change our ways and guide us to live a life which is not centered on ourselves, but on all you have created.  We ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.


Reposted with permission from Citizens for Public Justice.  Click here for more of their prayer resources.


JPIC |A Focus for Transforming Relationships: Care for the Earth, Our Common Home