The Probation Community Celebrates the Feast of Madeleine Sophie at the Mother House

We, the nine Probanists, had a wonderful time celebrating the history of the Society with Sister Patricia Garcia de Quevedo RSCJ (Superior General 1994-2000), from May 23 to 25. She offered an in-depth explanation of the changes that have taken place since Vatican II, and shared her experience of the different Chapters. The history of the Society has been a process that requires discernment regarding several aspects of our life, our identity as RSCJ, our charism, and our spirituality, both in relation to the realities of the world, and in relation to the realities of each province and district.

Being so immersed in the Society’s history made the invitation to spend the feast day at the Mother House even more special. We all went to the Mother House, where we met all the staff members, including the secretariat, JPIC, the finance team and the communication team, who explained to us what they do. We were able to understand more deeply the meaning of living as One Body by meeting people who know us and live our spirituality as part of the Sacred Heart family.

We ended our visit with a prayer dedicated to Saint Madeleine Sophie, together with all the sisters of the Mother House, Sister Patricia Garcia de Quevedo RSCJ, and the probation team, which was followed by an enjoyable lunch. The Feast of Sophie, which is a special day, gave us the opportunity to reflect again on what it means to be “One Body”. At the lunch table, we had a delightful and rich conversation together as a family.

Probation 2021-2022

Section |International News

Province |Chad|Democratic Republic of Congo/Chad|Indonesia|Korea/Chinese|Mother House|Peru

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |25 mai|25 mayo|feast|fête|fiesta|Madeleine Sophie Barat|Magdalena Sofía Barat|May 25|probanist|Probation