As women of our times, captivated by the love of Christ, in the context of our current realities and open to the calls of the world in which we live, at this Assembly of Provincials we wish:
To discover and discern together the unfolding future by sharing the convergences, challenges, intuitions and desires flowing from the various processes in the life of the Society from Chapter 2008 to Chapter 2016.
To strengthen the community of provincials and General Council by living with open mind, heart and will, our experience of co-responsibility and discernment in our service of the Society for its mission.
To explore the emerging structures which give life to the journey towards our envisioned futures.
To address responsibilities delegated to the Assembly of Provincials by Chapter 2008 in view of Chapter 2016.
To have an experience of the Society in Poland in the European and global context.
We embark on this journey together in order that we may most effectively discover and reveal the love of God in our changing context.