RedLaC 2016: “New Times: New Perspectives, New Practices”

The 8th Workshop for Sacred Heart Education Institutions
in Latin America and the Caribbean (RedLaC)
was held in Casa del Almagro, in Argentina,
from 23rd to 29th of October 2016.
"The theme of “New Times:  New Perspectives, New Practices” brought together the delegates of the participating Provinces of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Sacred Heart Formal Education (RedLaC): Argentina-Uruguay, Chile, Mexico, Peru and The Antilles; in addition we had representatives from invited Provinces: Colombia, United States/Canada and Spain.
Invited to “Look, review, and transform our educative practice from the perspective of the reality of students of today, and in view of our educative vision and the society we want to build,” we proposed a workshop method and a participative process that engaged the different countries and facilitated collaboration and collective work. This allowed us to hear the voices and the realities of the children and young people in our regions, allowing us to become aware of them and, through that, to question our educative practice."


Province |Antilles|Argentina/Uruguay|Chile|Colombia|Mexico|Peru|Spain|United States and Canada

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