This book by Monique Luirard rscj relates the history of the Society of the Sacred Heart in the forty countries where it has been sent against the background of the social, political and economic, as well as religious, currents of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Religious of the Sacred Heart have had to confront liberalism and anti-clericalism, revolution, the effects of Nazism and Marxism, and world wars that destroyed their houses and scattered their members.
After the Second Vatican Council, the elimination of cloister opened new fields of apostolic work to the Society. This book shows how the congregation developed amid internal crises, which did not differ from those in the Church and civil society, and how from these crises there emerged little by little a new way to be a Religious of the Sacred Heart.
Available for purchase on line from, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, softcover $40.95; e-book $9.99
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