Here are five photos of recent "significant moments"
in the life of our communities, provinces, or regions
in different parts of the world.

In June 2015, the novices of Belgium-France-Netherlands (BFN), England-Wales (ENW),
and Poland (POL) came together for a meeting in Krakow, Poland.

The Formation Teams of Argentina-Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru,
Puerto Rico-Haiti, and United States-Canada met in Santiago de Chile on the 15th to the 22nd of June 2015.

On Saturday, the 30th of May, a simple, but touching, ceremony was held in Reñaca Alto, Viña del Mar, Chile:
the entrance of four young women from Peru and Brazil to the Latin American interprovincial novitiate.

Pentecost 2015 marked the day when three young women (the ones in white)
from the Area of Indonesia made their first vows as Religious of the Sacred Heart.

On the 14th to the 17th of April 2015, sixty-four RSCJ from England, Wales, Scotland, Poland, Italy,
Spain, and Ireland (North and South) gathered in Emmaus, a conference centre north of Dublin City.
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