Some highlights of our life together…..

"This body belongs to a large ecosystem
that is in transformation and it needs
to live processes of change:  opening its senses,
firmly planting its bare feet on the earth,
breathing in rhythm with the heartbeat of Life. "  

(2016 General Chapter) 

Here are five photos of recent "significant moments" in the life of 
our communities, provinces, or regions in different parts of the world.


On May 2-4, at the Casa Grande in Guadalajara, a group of RSCJ was convened by the Provincial Team to initiate the process of Strategic Planning for 2017-2022.  The group was tasked to articulate the mission, vision, objectives, values, principles, strategic activities, and organizational structure that will orient the life and apostolic mission of the Province of Mexico.  This meeting built on the previous work done by the communities.  In turn, its outcomes will be sent back to communities for their consideration.  This process, which is envisioned to take some months, will allow the province to concretize and deepen the desires and plans that were expressed during this meeting.

Silvia Canto rscj



Some of our sisters participated in the People's Climate March on April 29th in Washington DC.
 "I was pleased that I made the effort to be with 200,000 other marchers."  ~ Gwen Hoeffel rscj
"We marched in the interfaith section; Muslims, Christians and many others
all united around protecting Earth."  ~ Diane Roche rscj


Three Japanese RSCJ celebrated their Golden Jubilee:  Sister Machiko Yamashita in Sankocho (Japan); Sister Sumiko Debuchi in Shibuya (Japan); and, Sister Chizuyo Inoue in Bandung (Indonesia).

Realizing that these fifty years of my religious life had been a real experience of God's Mercy, I renewed my vows with joy and gratitude.  I could not have lived through these years without the love, prayer, and support of my Sisters, my family, and co-workers.  I am grateful to everyone.  ~ Machiko Yamashita rscj
I long to praise the mercy of God on this day!!!  I express my gratitude for each day of my life.  I thank every RSCJ, every person I have encountered.  I have received bountiful kindness.  ~ Sumiko Debuchi rscj
Filled with the joy of the Resurrection and in the midst of the prayer of the Bandung community, I renewed my vows with a heart full of gratitude.  My life here is rich with precious experiences.  ~ Chizuyo Inoue rscj


During Easter week RSCJ from England-Wales and Ireland-Scotland Provinces came together for a joint post-Chapter assembly.
"For three days we prayed, reflected and shared, in small groups and large assembly, at tables whose centrepieces reminded us of Philippine Duchesne's courageous voyage to new frontiers. We too were able to discern, dream and explore what we can do more fruitfully together, to strengthen and extend the life and mission of the Society in our countries. Several ideas emerged, for networking or collaboration on joint ventures, and are being taken forward."   ~ Silvana Dallanegra rscj

Network of Popular Education in Latin America, the Carribean, and United States – Canada
On the 3rd to the 8th of April, the links of the Popular Education Network met in Guadalajara, Mexico to reflect and make plans for the next three years, in light of the calls of the General Chapter.  Representatives from the provinces of the Antilles, Argentina-Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States – Canada, and Venezuela were present at the meeting.

We invite you to send photos with brief descriptions of "significant moments" to


Section |International News

Province |Antilles|Argentina/Uruguay|Brazil|Chile|Colombia|England/Wales|Indonesia|Ireland/Scotland|Japan|Mexico|Peru|United States and Canada|Venezuela