Sophie and the blazing fire of His Heart

Foto: Paula Grillo rscj (ARU)

Throughout her life, she was often asked: Sophie, who brought you into the world? Her answer was unique, in the way that every life, every story is unique: Fire.

It was the answer of a woman who was accompanied by fire all her life. Fires like the one that brought her into the world; the fire of the revolution; the fire of suffering and concern for her sisters and our little Society; the fire of her fragility; and so many others.

Today there are other fires we have to walk through, though perhaps they are not so different. The fire of pandemics; of racism; of migration; of abuse of power; of inequalities. Yet we must not forget that fire has a renewing, purifying gift. How can we avoid being trapped by its threat, instead trusting in its scorching, transformative heat?

I have come to cast a fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! (Lk 12:49)

The spirit of love and humility transfigures everything it touches.

Sophie and her companions went through the Terror. None of them regretted their past. None of them looked back. They faced the horizon with confidence and boldness, in the midst of an uncertain and desolate landscape. They contemplated reality, though not without pain, and willed that the fire of His Love would burn more brightly than the destructive and overwhelming fire of violence.

In these times, as in Sophie’s, we must draw strength from prayer, silence, prudence, humility, charity, and being faithful to the Spirit.

Can we enter into the pierced Heart of Jesus without the Cross? No, we cannot! Nowhere else will we find peace and tranquillity. (Madeleine Sophie)

May His life and His words encourage us. May HisSpirit renew us, with the strength of what He has given us.May the love of Christ be the fire that energizes all of our relationships, in and with our broken and blessed world. May we be artisans of hope who guard and nourish the fire of life. May Sophia and our sisters intercede and guide our steps.

Natalia Enrique and Jimena O’Neill RSCJ



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