Embarking on an inspiring spring semester, SacredHeartDNA presents a series of transformative initiatives. The Lent Calendar, running through February and March, invites participants to a period of reflection and spiritual growth. On March 27, the Discernment Conference with Barbara Quinn, RSCJ, provides valuable insights into honing discernment skills for life choices. April introduces a thought-stirring conference focused on answering life’s calls through self-knowledge. May marks the much-anticipated Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, offering a profound spiritual experience. Finally, in June, the Puerto Rico Volunteer initiative fosters compassion and impactful service. Each initiative is designed to offer meaningful encounters, promoting spiritual connection, discernment, and positive contributions. Join SacredHeartDNA on this transformative journey of self-discovery and making a positive impact on the world around you.
Section |International News|Vocation & Youth Ministry
Province |Antilles, United States and Canada
Tags |SacredHeartDNA