Year of Prayer with Rose Philippine Duchesne

Each Monday from November 18, 2017 to November 18, 2018,
we are urged to join in a Sacred Heart family communal prayer
prepared by RSCJ from throughout the world 
on topics that were the foundation of Philippine’s 
passionate love for God and God’s people. 



Click here to read more about the Year of Prayer on

Week 50
Eriko Oyama rscj (JPN)
Week 49
Kevin Jimenéz
Student of U. E. Santa Magdalena Sofia
Caracas, Venezuela
Week 48
Erika Tornya rscj (CEU)
Week 47
Marianne Tavares rscj (ENW)
Week 46
Lim Tae Youn rscj (KOC)
Week 45
Betty Susan Nankya Nsanja rscj (UGK)
Week 44
Ilsemarie Weiffen rscj (CEU)
Week 43
Donna Collins rscj (USC)
Week 42
Kaja Kayembe Clémentine rscj (RDC)
Week 41
Marianna Toranno rscj (USC)
Week 40
Maribel Carceller rscj (PHI)
Week 39
Colette Mercier rscj (BFN)
Week 38
Marie-Paule Préat rscj (BFN)
Week 37
Maria Cecilia Amarante rscj (BRA)
Week 36
Isabel Rocha rscj (ARU)y
Week 35
Iraida Sua-an rscj (PHI)
Week 34
Anne McCarthy rscj (ENW)
Week 33
Helen Rosenthal rscj (USC)
Week 32
Moira Donnelly rscj (IRS)
Week 31
Estela Henao rscj (COL)
Week 30
Mary Varghese rscj (IND)
Week 29
Nancy Koke rscj (UGK)
Week 28
Stella S rscj (KOC)
Week 27
Ursula Bugembe rscj (TCH)
Week 26
Maureen Glavin rscj (USC)
Week 25
Paula Grillo rscj (ARU)
Week 24
Kim King rscj (USC)
Week 23
N’guemta Nakoye Mannta (Juliette) rscj (TCH)
Week 22
Henni Sidabungke rscj (INS)
Week 21
Maria Stecka rscj (POL)
Week 20
Mary Hotz rscj (USC)
Week 19
Nance O’Neil rscj (INS)
Week 18
Rachele Gulisano rscj (ITA)
Week 17
Teresa Gomà rscj (ESP)
Week 16
Penina Ann Wambale rscj (UGK)
Week 15
Silvana Dallanegra rscj (ENW)
Week 14
Bonnie Kearney rscj (USC)
Week 13
Sandra Cavieres rscj (CHI)
Week 12
Esperanza Calabuig rscj (ANT)
Week 11
Dorothea Hewlett rscj (ANZ)
Week 10
Ilsemarie Weiffen rscj (CEU)
Week 9
Masako Egawa rscj (JPN)
Week 8
Boguslawa Ochal rscj (POL)
Maria Y rscj (KOC)
Elizabeth Kasyoka nscj (UGK)
Geneviève Bannon rscj (ANZ)
Phil Kilroy rscj (IRS)
Sheila Smith rscj (USC)
Katie Mifsud rscj (MAL)
Sharon Karam rscj (USC)
May this year of prayer with Philippine strengthen our capacity
to contemplate and listen to the heartbeat of God in ourselves and in our world.
May we, like Sophie and Philippine, be compelled by the love of the Heart of God, Jesus Christ.
May we believe in a gospel vision beyond what we can see or imagine
that “all may be One” and act with courage, confidence and persistence to make this vision a reality.
** Excerpts from the letter of Sister Barbara Dawson for the feast of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne


Thank you to the Bicentennial Committee of the Province of the United States – Canada for organizing this Year of Prayer.
Thank you to regional editors
Françoise Greffe rscj (BFN), Kim King rscj (USC), Elizabeth Nakayiza rscj (UGK), and Park Jeong Mi rscj (KOC)
for preparing the reflections sent from different parts of the world. 


Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

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