Year of Prayer: Week 50

Image of Ukon Takayama: Mimaki Kazuko; Image of Philippine Duchesne: Academy of the Sacred Heart, St. Charles

Fortitude and Love: Ukon Takayama and Philippine Duchesne

On the seventh of February 2017, the Catholic Church of Japan was blessed by the beatification of Justo Ukon Takayama (1543-1615). Ukon was a prominent Christian leader of the church in sixteenth century Japan. Reflecting on his life in troubled times, I find similarities between Ukon and Philippine Duchesne, especially in their spirituality of prayer and in their perseverance.

At the age of 12, touched by the powerful message of the Gospel, Ukon was baptized with his father, Dario.  He first followed his father, but later had a conversion experience. Confronted with a critical choice, after discernment, he abandoned worldly success and chose faith. In an age of ambition and armed conflicts, Ukon lost everything by choosing faith. As the anti-Christian edict was issued and persecution began, he became an exile in different places in Japan for twenty-eight years. Yet he persisted in his service to others. His sincerity and mercy as an educator attracted people; communities were naturally formed around him. Eventually he was forced to leave Japan for his final exile in the Philippines. He reached Manila only to die of a high fever.                                         

Philippine’s life was marked by her patience and humility, while Ukon is remembered as a person who “lowered himself.” Following Christ who humbled himself, Ukon abandoned worldly success and lived in simplicity. Neither Ukon nor Philippine ever saw any success but they never abandoned their missionary vocation. In apparent failure, their love and fortitude shone forth. Prayer was their great support. 

Living in the unstable world of today, we can learn from a man of the sixteenth century and a woman of the nineteenth century the power of choosing God in trust and faith.

Eriko Oyama rscj

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