“Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment” — Final Document from the Pre-Synodal Meeting

“Young people are the agents of change in their own lives
and we can learn from each other.
We hear a strong invitation to walk with them,
sharing our thirst and aspirations
in a common effort to build a world
where the desires of God will become a reality.”

General Chapter 2008:  Our Priority for Young People



“Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment,” the final document from the Pre-Synodal Meeting of Young People, is now available.

From the Introduction:

“These reflections were borne out of the meeting of more than 300 young representatives from around the world, convened in Rome March 19-24, 2018 at the inaugural Pre-Synodal Meeting of Young People and the participation of 15,000 young people engaged online through the Facebook groups.

The document is understood as a summary of all of our participants’ input based on the work of 20 language groups and 6 from social media. This will be one source, among others, that will contribute to the Instrumentum Laboris for the Synod of Bishops 2018. It is our hope that the Church and other institutions can learn from the process of this Pre-Synodal Meeting and listen to the voices of young people.”

Click here to read the full document.

Click here for more information from the webpage of the Synod on Youth.


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