This prayer is used with the coordinating teams of elementary, middle and high school teachers in the school in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Below you can download the prayer (in Spanish), listen to the mantra, both composed by Celia Salinas Ramos, rscj, and listen to the song for Mater, Estas en mi (Viento), composed by Paula Villafuerte Cano, a former student of this school and sung by her classmates, also former students.
In the elementary school there was also a song contest for the Blessed Mother with 38 participants. The winners will sing for the whole school on Friday after the Eucharist.
Mantra by Celia Salinas Ramos rscj
Estas en mi (Viento)
- Mater’s chapel
- The song contest.
Section |Formal Education|International News
Province |Mexico
Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition
Tags |Mater Admirabilis