ARU: Province Retreat 2015

Dear Sisters of the International Society,
In the spirit of our "Cor Unum" I would like to share with you my experience of making my retreat with all the sisters of my province Argentina-Uruguay.
Every year, we gather together for our retreat and assembly in January (our summer holidays). This year we met for our retreat from 13th to 20th of January.

Being together is something that gives us life and is a source of encouragement for us to be able to live during the year in the different comunities where we live our mission.


Our retreat this year was led by Mariola López rscj of the Province of Spain, with the theme 

“Re-aligning our lives with the Gospel.”


The Province of Argentina-Uruguay, with Mariola López rscj (in yellow)

These were very precious days for me of:
  • ‘being with’ Jesus and re-aligning my life with the Gospel;
  • re-living the eencounter with Jesus in the Gospel;
  • feeling myself, like the Samaritan woman, in a living dialogue with the One who knows me;
  • receiving the grace of healing, like the woman who touched his cloak and the other women, as well;
  • being called anew, and sent out like the twelve;
  • experiencing the gentle presence of the resurrected Jesus, just like when John told Peter: “It is the Lord.”
What I now bring with me into the year ahead is the need and the desire to be united with the VINE.  
Everything else will fall into place.

Each morning, I ask Jesus to renew his love in me. I will nourish what gives meaning to my consecrated life: the ‘intimacy’ with my travelling companion, with the one who knows and loves me…. 

May I, like Martha and Mary, receive the love that He wants to give me. 

United in the Heart of Jesus!!!            
Silvana  Ferez rscj                     

Thank you Mariola for sharing from your well so that ours may be nourished and enriched by yours!!!



Section |Year of Consecrated Life

Province |Argentina/Uruguay

Our Spirituality |Reflections from Around the World