Assembly of Provincials of the Society of the Sacred Heart

The Provincials of the Society of the Sacred Heart, the General Council, and other attendees are gathered in Warsaw, Poland from the 1st of September to the 17th for the 2014 Provincials Assembly.

In her Opening Conference, Superior General Kathleen Conan RSCJ welcomed each one and thanked the Province of Poland for the preparations and for all that they continue to do in support of this Assembly.  She expressed our hopes as we come together as a "community of the leadership of the Society":

"During these days we want to become a community which discovers and discerns the unfolding future of the congregation.  We bring the experiences, hopes, challenges, concerns of our sisters and those of the particular responsibilities of our service.  We come too with the desire and responsibility to expand our vision and experience to include that of others; to lighten our grasp on our own perspective of the Society's life in order to see from and embrace the whole; and to be open and attuned to the call of the Spirit to us in these times.  These days will be very rich as we discover and renew relationships, come to know more of one another's realities and that of the whole, reflect together on some aspects of the life of the congregation, explore the future that is evolving before us and consider what next steps we need to take to respond to the movements of the Spirit."

Our Sisters embarked on this journey together “as women of our times, captivated by the love of Christ, in the context of our current realities and open to the calls of the world in which we live.”  

We accompany them with the prayer with which Sr. Conan opened the Assembly; a prayer inspired by a quote from the letter of presentation at the beginning of the Constitutions written in February 1987 by Helen McLaughlin RSCJ:

Our Holy Mother was a woman of her times, captivated by the love of Christ,
and open to the calls of the world in which she lived;
may she give to each one of us her spirit, her courage, and her humility. 

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