Beth Amarante RSCJ recognized by the Indigenous Missionary Council

Beth Amarante, a sister of the Sacred Heart of the Province of Brazil, dedicated her life in the Amazon to the Myky people who welcomed and adopted her 45 years ago. Today, at the age of 90, the time has come for her to leave, with a grateful heart full of faces that she will always remember. The Indigenous Missionary Council, with whom Beth worked, has organized a thanksgiving ceremony. Along with CIMI, we thank Beth and celebrate her commitment and unselfish dedication, walking with the Myky as one of them. Beth, thank you for your service!

Here is the text of CIMI’s letter:

Dear Beth, our friend and colleague,

With great joy, and on behalf of the entire CIMI team, the Presidency would like to thank you for dedicating so many years of your life to the indigenous cause, especially to the Myky who, recognizing the immense value of your character in living with the community, identify you as one of them, Beth Myky. We thank you for your persistent and enduring work, especially in the early years of CIMI’s creation, when the persecution of indigenous rights defenders was even more intense. The challenges at that time were immense; much blood was spilled on a land sacred to the original peoples and all their ancestry…. There is still a long way to go in the struggle for the reconstruction of rights, the strengthening of democracy and justice for all, but be assured of your important contribution to the achievements so far. May the God of Life protect and bless you always!

Please receive our grateful embrace and our eternal affection!

D. Roque Paloschi, President

Ir. Lúcia Gianesini, Vice-President                                               

Antônio Eduardo C. Oliveira, Executive Secretary


Section |International News

Province |Brazil

Tags |Amazon|Amazonia|CIMI|Consejo Misionero IndÌgena|Indigenous Missionary Council|Myky