Celebrating the Feast of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat in DRC-Chad

We are going to celebrate Saint Madeleine Sophie on Tuesday, May 25, in the Bosangani/Sacré-Coeur school complex in Kinshasa Gombe, with a Eucharistic celebration for all of our students and collaborators. As the complex has more than 4500 students, the Eucharistic celebrations will begin on May 19 with the students of the nursery school (from 3 to 5 years old), followed by the primary school for two days, on May 20 and May 21 (for those from 6 to 11 years old) and on May 25 for the secondary school (for those from 12 to 17 years old). The masses will be animated by the students and spiritual supervisors, but all students will be able to take part in the festive atmosphere.

For us, the feast of SMSB means recognizing the greatness of God for having inspired this woman and paying homage to our Holy Mother, whose vision has influenced the history of society and the world, despite the constraints of her time. She responded to the major concerns of her time with her two passions: the Heart of Jesus and children. In doing so, she inspired us, leaving us with the evocative motto: Cor Unum et Anima Una in Cor di Jesu.

It is a noble mission of salvation, translated into commitment and a deep love: discovering and manifesting the love of Jesus through education was what nourished her.

Unfortunately, this year we will not be able to organize anything apart from the mass, due to the pandemic and the need to respect the rules designed to protect us from it. In past years, besides the mass, the day of May 25 was enriched by cultural activities (recitals, poems, songs, dance, genius in the making, presentation of gifts) and ended with a meal.

Today, Sophie calls us to adapt ourselves to the circumstances and realities of the moment.  She invites us to abandon ourselves to the will of God, to desire only that which can bring us closer to the divine Heart of Jesus through abnegation and sacrifice.

May Sophie intercede for us with Jesus.


Sr Joséphine BASAULA rscj/ RDC-TCHAD


Section |International News

Province |Chad|Democratic Republic of Congo/Chad

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |Feast of Madeleine Sophie|Madeleine Sophie Barat|May 25

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