Prayer for Madeleine Sophie

Prayer to Madeleine-Sophie


What I love about you, Madeleine-Sophie
is the fragile and strong woman,
the woman of tenderness and firmness,
the demanding and compassionate woman.

What I love about you
is the active woman, whose activity
is inspired by the Heart of Christ.

What I love about you is the woman of contrasts:
friend of the humble,
you approach the great of this world with simplicity;
a friend of silence and prayer,
you travel the roads of Europe to give birth to
and support your community.
You know how to love intensely,
you also know how to separate.

What I love about you, Madeleine Sophie
is your ardor in the service of families
young people and children,
in the service of the Church.

I love your creativity, your dynamism
this capacity to renew yourself
which made you say at 83 years old:
“The world is changing ;
we must change our study plan”.

Thank you, Madeleine Sophie,
for not letting any frailty stop you,
but for having allowed
the strength of God to work in you.

Following in your footsteps
we discover that it is from a wounded heart
that the source of Life springs forth!

Marie-Thérèse Théry, rscj, BFN

Section |International News

Province |Belgium/France/Netherlands

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |Feast of Madeleine Sophie|Madeleine Sophie Barat|May 25

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