Como respuesta a la convocatoria del Comité Internacional de Coordinación de JPIC (JPIC CoCo) y por la apelación de la hermana Eriko Oyama rscj, la directora de la Escuela del Sagrado Corazón de Tokio en Sankocho, cada clase de los estudiantes de 12 ° grado escribió una oración en Inglés para la COP 21 , que estaba a punto de tener lugar en París.
Presentamos a continuación las oraciones de estas tres clases, ya que contienen sus reflexiones, deseos, esperanzas y convicciones.
Las alumnas son conscientes del cambio climático y otros problemas ambientales, y han estado reflexionando sobre estos temas desde una perspectiva mundial, con miras hacia el futuro.
En mayo pasado, dos estudiantes de estas clases participaron en la Conferencia Internacional de las Naciones Unidas Modelo sobre cuestiones urgentes del mundo, incluido el cambio climático.
Estas oraciones ya han sido distribuidos a todas nuestras comunidades a través de la JPIC News Letter de la Provincia Japón. Invitamos a todos a orar y reflexionar con los jóvenes durante las semanas de la COP21 en París.
También estamos unidas en la oración con todos ustedes, para que cada país profundice la comprensión de las situaciones graves que nos encontramos, y que seamos capaces de dar un paso adelante para resolver este problema.
Gracias por su proyecto. Estaremos muy contentas de participar en este tipo de intercambio entre los Colegios del Sagrado Corazón en varias provincias.
La oración del Grado 12 (Clase Bara: Rosa)
There are lots of pollution problems around the world today.
Also, animals and plants lose their dwellings, and their numbers are decreasing
because of the industrial development done by human beings.
We are busy living our own lives, so we tend to think only about ourselves.
We lack a wide view towards them and do not consider their situations.
However, when we face the grandeur of nature,
we can find the delight that we are a part of it.
This environment, delight, and our lives are given from God.
We are grateful to be born with this bliss.
Moreover, we realized that we cannot live alone,
and must be supported by our surroundings.
Animals, plants, and of course humans; we all coexist in this planet.
Help us not to think that global warming is too big a problem for us to change.
Lead us to be aware that doing little things every day,
will lead to alleviating global warming.
We pray that more and more people will be aware of environmental issues
and cooperate to solve them for others, with others.
La oración del Grado 12 (Clase Yuri: Lirio)
Dear Lord,
Although we human beings have created an outstanding modern civilization,
due to the pursuit of convenience, the threat of global warming is
rapidly spreading.
Today, we pray for all animals, plants, and people,
suffering from global warming, especially for those people
who are in vulnerable situations in the countries they live in.
As a high school student, we sometimes take methods which aggravate global warming.
We cannot prevent large scale global warming alone,
but each of us is not incompetent, and by working together,
we can make a great difference.
Therefore, we will try to turn off the power of electrical appliances, not to
waste water and to use replacements which discharge little CO2.
We will also try to get information about global warming
and continue to pray for an everlasting peaceful and sustainable world.
We hope the future of this world will be filled with laughter of our children.

La oración del Grado 12 (Clase Kiku: Crisantemo)
Our Father,
Today, human beings are destroying the environment that we have received from you,
owing to the lack of tenderness towards our surroundings.
Help us to overcome our weakness and reconfirm our love for mother nature,
to play a role in the globe as human beings, a part of environment.
In order to accomplish this, we will make great efforts
to reduce waste and use renewable energy.
Where there is confrontation, when we face difficulty,
show us the right way to go, on the basis of love and cooperation.