First Vows Ceremony in Spain

On Saturday, January 13, Alejandra de la Riva took her first vows in Bilbao, Spain.

After a long time of getting to know each other, and after the last two years of her novitiate in Chicago (USA), we are happy to welcome Alejandra to the Society to continue her formation in the Province of Spain.

We look forward to accompanying her on the path that God is tracing out in her life.

In a recent interview we did with her, she expressed her perception of the congregation: “For me it is a place of welcome, of opportunity, of growth, of maturing life and gifts; I perceive it as vulnerable; it is close and in the midst of the people to whom it brings life and healing; it is a Society with a constant desire to let itself be guided by the Spirit, and with a certain faith that God is here, dwelling among us, in our blessed and broken world.”

Read the original article (in Spanish)

Read the full interview with Alejandra (in Spanish)

Section |International News

Province |Spain

Tags |first vows|premiers vœux|primeros Votos

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