JPIC Advent Prayer Guide – Week 3

The Cosmic Christ by Mudita Sodder rscj

Let us rejoice and celebrate Gaudete Sunday lighting the only pink candle in the Advent Wreathes with meaning and freedom, giving birth to what has never happened. Let us also celebrate the birthday of Sophie with Joy this 12 of December.

The JPIC Learning Hub will be posting Prayer Reflection Guides every week of the Advent season, and each guide will highlight the JPIC imperatives: 

  • Washing One Another’s Feet
  • Transforming and Being Transformed
  • Care for Our Common Home
  • Welcoming People on the Move

In this season of hope, love, peace and joy, let us continue praying for each other and the world.

Click here for the prayer-reflection guide, or download it below:

Week 3 - Advent 2021 EN

Week 3 - Advent 2021 ES

Week 3 - Advent 2021 FR

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