JPIC Commitment: Divestment from fossil fuels, investment in renewable energy

Source: The Global Catholic Climate Movement

“With our strong call to Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation,
we can no longer justify investing in any form of fossil fuel.
We have changed our investments to include
a certain amount in renewable energy sources.”
Sr.​ Bernadette Porter​ RSCJ
Treasurer General 
The Society of the Sacred Heart is one of the 40 Catholic institutions that announced on October 4, 2017 their divestment from fossil fuels and their investment in renewable energy.
This is one concrete response to Pope Francis’ urgent call in Laudato Si’ and to the COP21 statement of Catholic Bishops from all continents.  

Click here to read about this ground-breaking commitment.

The Society of the Sacred Heart is #20 on this list.
The Religious of the Sacred Heart is listed under International – General Curia.

JPIC |A Focus for Transforming Relationships: Care for the Earth, Our Common Home

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