Feast of the Sacred Heart 2019

Feast of the Sacred Heart 2019
Letter from our Superior General

Dear Sisters and Family of the Sacred Heart,

Happy Feast! The letter for the feast of the Sacred Heart this year includes a gift and a challenge as you receive the enclosed document, Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World.  I hope that wherever we are and however we expend our time and energy for mission and life that we take the calls of this document “to heart” – to our own hearts and to God’s Heart.   

The reflections of the JPIC document are rooted in the life of our family and the experiences that many of you shared in preparation for the JPIC gathering held in the Philippines in November 2018. We thank each province and person who shared his or her own joys and struggles and those of their people, as well as those who participated in this gathering on behalf of all of us. Living justice, peace and integrity of creation is integral to our charism and mission; it is our way of entering into the pierced Heart of Jesus that opens our being to the depths of God and the anguish of humanity (Constitutions #8).