The Season of Creation: September 1 to October 4

Spring in Pena, by Ana María Uribe rscj (COL)

The Season of Creation, which runs yearly
between September 1 and October 4,
is that time of the year when we renew
our commitment to pray and care for creation.
What is the Season of Creation?

“September 1 was proclaimed as a day of prayer for creation (World Day of Prayer for Creation, or Creation Day) by Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I for the Orthodox in 1989, and was embraced by the other major Christian European churches in 2001 and by Pope Francis for the Roman Catholic Church in 2015.

And it has happened that in recent years many Christian churches have started celebrating the “Season of Creation” (also known as Creation Time) between that date and October 4, which is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (author of the Canticle of the Creatures in the 13th century) that some Western traditions observe. 

It is meant to give flexibility to celebrate prayer services for creation in alternative dates throughout the month, while engaging in different actions to care for creation throughout the season. Several statements from the past few years have called to observe this month-long Season of Creation, such as those of the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines in 2003, the Third European Ecumenical Assembly in Sibiu in 2007 and the World Council of Churches in 2008.”  
(Source: the Season of Creation website)

Let us participate in the Season of Creation!

Click on these links to access some resources:

Home Page of Season of Creation

Mercy International Association Resources for the Season of Creation
(available in English and Spanish on the same site)
Video:  Ecospirituality – Clues for Living
(Sisters of Mercy of the Americas)
Anglican Communion Environmental Network
(available in English and Spanish on the same site)
Green Churches Network:  Season of Creation in a Box
World Council of Churches:  Season of Creation

JPIC |A Focus for Transforming Relationships: Care for the Earth, Our Common Home

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