“Our Common Home” – a music video from the Caritas Sisters of Jesus and Society of the Sacred Heart

“Our Common Home” was composed and sung by the Caritas Sisters in Japan and Yuka Arita RSCJ created the five-minute video using photographs taken from her own collection. The song is mostly in Japanese, but the video has English subtitles that convey the meaning of the song and its call for unity in a conflicted world. Many RSCJ will recognize the locations of some of Yuka’s photos in the video. They have been taken on various visits to parts of the world where the Society is based. Other photos were taken in Assisi and in Doria Pamphilia Park in Rome.

The music, “Our Common Home”, was sung by a choir of the congregation of the Caritas Sisters of Jesus. This particular choir is known as the “Small Choir”. They express the mission of the congregation (“to testify to the merciful love of Jesus towards all, especially the poor and the suffering”) through music. They offer concerts for the sick, the victims of the great earthquake in Japan and those in medical prisons. This original composition was recorded in the provincial office in Tokyo, Japan.

The music video signifies a creative collaboration with the Caritas Sisters as well as our good friendship, facilitated by us being neighbors here in Rome.

The video will also be featured in the UISG environmental campaign, ‘Sowing Hope for the Planet’ and will be uploaded to its website.

Watch the video:

Section |International News

JPIC |A Focus for Transforming Relationships: Care for the Earth, Our Common Home

Tags |Caritas Sisters|Collaboration with Other Institutions|environment|Laudato Si|Our Common Home