Annie Peter

Annie Peter and her students

I am originally from Kerala but was brought up in Mumbai. My vocation story is like a fairy tale – all well-planned from the beginning to the end.

It began when I joined the Legion of Mary Association in my parish – Infant Jesus Church, Ghatkopar, Mumbai. I was then 12 years old. With the years, my love for the Church and devotion to Mother Mary grew stronger and deeper.

It was after I finished the standard X board exams that I suddenly felt a desire to become a religious and when I expressed it to my parents they dissuaded me, as they said I was too young to take such a step. I found myself dressing up like a nun and admiring myself in the mirror.  

At home the image of the Sacred Heart in a glass frame was the center of our devotion and I often sat in front of it picturing myself in the heart of Jesus.

As I continued with my college studies, I became more and more active in parish organizations; the church became my second home. I wanted to commit my whole life to the Church by joining religious life.  

The call to be a religious came up again while I was in the Second Year BA, but I was not sure whether I would survive as a sister. While I prayed at the grotto in my parish church, I felt Our Lady telling me to go and see what religious life was all about. This convinced me of my call and I then began my search for the right congregation to enter.

Since I have many relatives in various congregations, I chose what appealed to me the most, namely, The Society of the Sacred Heart, whose mission is to glorify the heart of Jesus through the service of education. It was my twin passions – for teaching and devotion to the Sacred Heart – that led me to the congregation that would fulfil both desires.

Finally, I joined the Society of the Sacred Heart at the age of 23 after completing my B.Ed.; for the last 27 years, I have served in the educational mission of the congregation, which includes direct classroom teaching as well as pastoral work in both the urban and rural areas of Mahrashtra. At each stage of my life, every experience has deepened my conviction of being called. I can never stop thanking God for choosing me to serve in His vineyard.

I am greatly indebted to my parents, siblings and in particular my aunt, Sr. Mary Mathew, rscj, (through whom I came to know and love the Society) for the grace of my vocation. As I look back over the years of my life as an rscj, I feel so grateful for the opportunities to develop my capacities, and the many varied, enriching experiences by which my vocation has been nurtured.

Currently I am working in Sophia College as Vice-principal of the Junior College, Mumbai. In and through all the ups and downs of my life one thing I have learnt is that God loves me unconditionally and does what is best for me at all times and in all situations. 

As St. Madeleine Sophie, our Mother Foundress, used to say, “Remain in peace, and remember that all things work together unto good for them that love God, for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

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