RSCJ from Sapporo Sacred Heart School awarded for her service in education

Sister Yasuko Taguchi rscj with the citation and medal of the Order of the Sacred Treasure

On the 12th of May 2016, Sister Yasuko Taguchi rscj was conferred by the Emperor of Japan the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Rosette, for her years of service in the field of education.

In accepting this honor, she acknowledged the different opportunities that make it possible for Sapporo Sacred Heart School to educate students in global citizenship. These include global research projects, overseas programs in coordination with our worldwide network of Sacred Heart schools, and international study tours, like the United Nations Study Tour in collaboration with Cecile Meijer rscj (NGO Office) and Gwen Hoeffel rscj (USC).      

Sister Taguchi further expressed her gratitude in these words:

“I thank all the RSCJs in heaven and on earth who nurtured my vocation in Japan, Ireland, and Uganda.  My heartfelt gratitude goes to all the Sacred Heart communities and schools in the four continents that welcomed me and our students. My grateful prayers are with you!” 

A report sent by Fumiko Ide rscj
Sapporo Sacred Heart School

Section |International News

Province |Japan

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