Tent of Encounter – 10 May 2024

The General Council has developed a plan for a series of global conversations among us which we are calling Tents of Encounter. We are calling them this name, recalling the tent of Moses’ encounter with God when God led the people to the Promised land. The Tents of Encounter suggests a place of, dialogue and reflection, a sacred space where we can listen to one another. We have planned three Zoom conversations which will take place during March, April and May, 2024. The purpose of these gatherings, Tents of Encounter, is to encourage an inclusive spirit towards the General Chapter, offering a space where we can all connect across the Society. 

The second meeting took place on Friday, May 10, 2024. You can see the photo gallery to the right.

Section |General Chapter 2024|International News

Tags |Tentes de la Rencontre|Tents of Encounter|Tiendas del Encuentro