V International Conference of Heads of Schools of the Sacred Heart: Conclusions and Proposals

Dear Family of the Sacred Heart in our Educational Institutions,
We write to you today with great joy as we forward this document which contains the conclusions and proposals of the V International Conference of Heads of Schools of the Sacred Heart.  Entitled "Faced with the Complexity of the World, An Interior Journey," this conference was held in Mexico City in 2015.

Click here to access the document.

Now, more than one year later, we can see how our insights and ideas are closely related to the 2016 General Chapter Calls.  We believe that the synthesis of the Mexico City International Heads Conference provides all with a strong orientation to each of the calls.   Like the Chapter Delegates, we who participated in the V Conference concluded that the experience of being in silence, to live from our interiority, urges us to live more humanly like Christ.  This choice propels us forward into the emerging future where we reach new frontiers we are and act as one body.
Please understand that this document is only a synthesis; it must be complemented by the talks offered by our keynote speakers all of which can found on the international website: https://rscjinternational.org/news/faced-with-the-complexity-of-the-world-an-interior-journey
We are approaching the bicentennial of Philippine Duchesne’s arrival to the world of the Americas.  We are truly celebrating the Society’s internationality.  We offer you this link https://rscj.org/bicentennial2018/events so you can see some of the plans for this important moment in the life of the Family of the Sacred Heart. Please make note of the Global Service Day on September 15, 2018.

We thank all those who contributed so that this document finally reaches our hands. We look forward to the VI Conference of International School Heads in April 2020 in Miami, Florida, USA.

Let us continue to pray for one another by asking Madeleine Sophie and Philippine to continue to bless our educational mission.

The Writing Committee
V International Conference of School Heads
of Schools of the Sacred Heart


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