Voices of Faith 2017

Voices of Faith: http://voicesoffaith.org

Barbara Dawson, Superior General, and Anne Corry, International JPIC Coordinator,
attended an event inside the Vatican called Voices of Faith on March 8, 2017.
"Voices of Faith enables the telling of true stories
of faith, courage, beauty, and joy,
told to inspire the world
through the voices of women."
Voices of Faith:  http://voicesoffaith.org
Anne Corry reports that this year's Voices of Faith included story-telling from all over the world about what love can do, focusing especially on women as peacemakers.
The stories included a young medical doctor's life story from Rwanda, two sisters who kept their calling as teachers within the Syrian crisis, a young Australian woman who was stirred to act on behalf of Cambodian women who are trafficked, and a guardian of orphans in Burundi who says, "It's always love that takes the last word."
The event was co-hosted by the Fidel Götz Foundation, Jesuit Refugee Service, and Caritas Internationalis.
Click here to view the video and
access the full text of the different presentations.

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