June 19 is the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
Superior General Barbara Dawson shares this message with all of us.
“On Pentecost weekend, I sat in the Villa Lante garden experiencing the beauty of spring in our common home and asking Sophie to help me discover what the Pierced Heart of Jesus is inviting us to in our 21st century crisis moment. The suffering Sophie saw around her and her deep experience of the wounded Heart of Jesus, gave her the courage to act, to be an active part of God’s plan to be and show God’s love in the midst of violence and desecration in the 19th century. The CALL I heard from Sophie is a call to SOLIDARITY:
Enter into the Pierced Heart of Jesus
Experience the suffering of God’s people and all creation
Be in solidarity with each other and with people who are suffering
Do not sit and wait
Discover anew the way for our time to manifest God’s love.“
Province |Mother House
Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition