2016 General Chapter

The 2016 General Chapter of the Society of the Sacred Heart,
"Life unfolding … Mission for the emerging future,"
will take place from 7th July to 10th August 
at Centro Ad Gentes in Nemi, Italy.
Daily news and updates, photos and videos will be available on this GC2016 Webpage:


We accompany the General Chapter with our prayers:
"A general chapter is a significant moment in the life of the Society as we discern the ways we are asked to respond to God’s calls at this moment in our history.  A chapter is a journey in faith.  In the preparation, during the meeting itself, and in the living of its orientations, it is a paschal process, a renewing event for the congregation.  It is a time to celebrate what God has been doing among us, and a time to embrace the calls of the present and the future.
May the Spirit that led Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat to see the needs of her times accompany us as we discover and discern the directions and decisions to take so that we may continue to live the mission of God’s love today and into the emerging future."
Kathleen Conan rscj
Superior General
GC2016 Letter of Convocation

Section |International News

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